About the Workshop:
Research is best conceived as the process of arriving at dependable solu6ons to problems through the planned .and systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data. This workshop is intended to advance a framework, a process, and compositional approaches for designing qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research in social sciences. Increased interest in and use of qualitative research, the emergence of mixed methods approaches, and continuing use of traditional forms of quantitative designs have created a need for this workshop. At present, the M.Phil, Ph.D., and PDF scholars are lacking the skills to maintain sustainable high-quality academic standards due to inadequate skill-building exercises. To deal with this problem, ae marginalized gmups require capacity building in research and other academic activities. In India, most M.Phil, Ph.D., and PDF scholars face difficulty to finalise their Ph.D. thesis and research writing in a presentable form. Though, the newly initiated pre- Ph.D. coursework by UGC has provided orientation to Ph.D. scholars, the research scholars are always in a dilemma on how to write different components of Ph.D. wotk i.e., synopsis, thesis, summary, and research articles mandatory for the completion of a Ph.D. work. Therefore, any researcher has to be well-equipped and must have control over the research methodology and techniques. The department of commerce, Bharathiar University is organizing a Ten Days Research Methodology Course for Research Scholars in Social sciences from 13° September to 22“ September2022. This Research Methodology Course is sponsored by the Indian Council ofsocial Science Research (lCSSR), New Delhi. The course will include various aspects of research methodology and techniques used, in the field ofsocial sciences.
Objectives of the Workshop:
The proposed Research Methodology Course intends to strengthen the academic talent pool of the participants who are M.Phil., Ph.D., and PDF Scholars enrolled in any recog;nized universities oralfiliated colleges. The key objectives ofthe course are: