Alumini Meet
An Alumni Meet was organized to celebrate and refresh old relationships and form new ones. It was an occasion when students gathered they descended the memory lane and looked forward for new interactions with new hopes. The alumni students were thrilled to be back in the campus again and interacted with new students. Department of Commerce Alumni meeting was held in the month of April 2018 in the Seminar hall of the department, Bharathiar University at 10.30 a.m. This meeting was headed by Prof. Dr.G.Ganesen, Former Head of the Department and faculties of the department
participated in this meeting.
Firstly, Dr.P.Chellasamy, Student Co-ordinator, welcomed the gathering and then Prof.Dr.G.Ganesan, Former Head of the Department, gave felicitation address to the alumni members. During this meeting, the faculty members were honored by the students.
The student Co-ordinator Dr.P.Chellasamy, asked the alumni members to give their opinion about the meeting. Some of the students told their views on the development of infrastructure facilities of the department. Students talked about the placement activities of the department. They wanted the department to have tie-up with the concerns in which they were working. Some students shared their views on the curriculum aspect. They asked the department to conduct some programs which would develop the students’ skills to go with their job requirements. Finally students said that they missed this pleasant environment and they told “We are very proud to be Bharathians”.